After helping thousands of people pass the test and become certified QBO ProAdvisors, one of the most frequent questions I get asked is, “When should I move on to the Advanced certification?”
Most people already know the advantages of getting this certification:
- You’ll be listed higher in the ProAdvisor directory, separating you from the competition (only about 10% of all ProAdvisors go on to become Advanced certified).
- You’ll learn more features of the software, putting you in a better position to serve your clients.
- And, of course, because you know more, you’ll be able to charge more.
Personally, when I was desperate to rebuild my life, I immediately dove into the advanced material and got my certification.
And I was sure glad I did… my very first client needed a feature you only learn about in advanced!!!
But advanced is not for everybody—at least not right away. I mean, it is, after all, advanced, and even in my “Fast and Easy” course, I make assumptions that you are already comfortable with basic features like creating an invoice or an expense, that you clearly understand the different workflows for customers and vendors, and that I don’t have to tell you keystroke by keystroke how to do these things.
If you have been a bookkeeper or other accounting professional for years, or if you tend to pick up technical things pretty quickly, then of course, get that advanced certification right away. Separate yourself from the crowd. For you, it’s a no-brainer.
But if you’re new to all this, I guess the real question is, how hungry are you?
Are you the kind of person who will dig in, work hard, and really make the effort to learn?
Are you in a situation, like I was, where you have to make a radical change to get things right in your life and your business?
Are you willing to do what it takes to flood your brain with real, useful knowledge that will impact how you serve your clients and, consequently, how much you can charge?
If this sounds like you, then I would definitely encourage you to take the plunge, roll up your sleeves, and get to work studying for the advanced certification. Get started by purchasing it here.
But if you would rather just “wait and see” whether bookkeeping is really going to be a good fit for you, or if you struggled just to get this far and need a bit of a breather before you dive in again, that’s fine, too.
We’ll keep supporting you no matter where you are in your journey, because, after all, it’s your journey.
You’ve got this!

P.S. If you took our Basic level Fast & Easy QBO certification course, you’ll find a coupon in the “Now That You’re Certified” section for 25% off your next purchase.