About Akadian

Building a brighter future through practical, career-focused education.

About Us

Hi, I'm Margie Remmers-Davis.

After 20 years as a stay-at-home mom, my world was rocked by a sudden, unexpected divorce. With no warning, and after two decades out of the workforce, I was faced with having to start making my own money–and fast.

Like so many others, I turned to bookkeeping. I was always good at math, I had served as treasurer for several organizations over the years, and even taught personal finance to 8th graders for awhile.

The Akadian Difference

Our Mission & Values

If you are a bookkeeper, or hoping to become one, and have been frustrated with the free, but time consuming and often confusing training provided by Intuit, our courses are for you.

Our Methodology

What Sets Us Apart

The ClickStudy™ Method

ClickStudy combines interactive lessons, real-world scenarios, and instant feedback to help you master skills step by step.