Our Money Back Guarantee

Certification Courses

We are so confident you will pass the test using our materials, we will give your money back if you don’t. Note that our companion courses are designed to prepare you for the in-course exams, not the test-out exams.

The in-course exams allow for unlimited retakes, so just use the self-study course materials as outlined: Watch the videos, follow along in the QuickNotes, do all of the interactive activities, and test your knowledge with the quizzes. Then, take the test. Repeat until you pass. If you are struggling, please contact support@akadian.com for assistance.

Getting Clients Cohort

The Getting Clients Cohort is designed to land you a conversation with a prospective client. Note that we cannot control whether you actually sign that client or not. If you completed all of the assignments as outlined in the course and participated in all the group activities, please contact support@akadian.com for assistance.

QBO Cleanup

We guarantee that you will make more money doing cleanups than you spend on our course or your money back. Please see our earnings disclaimer for additional details.

So take a deep breath. We’ve got you, and we’re going to help you every step of the way. We can’t wait to hear your success story!

Bookkeeping Accelerator

We will give a full refund for 30 days, no questions asked.